


Wilderness Reserve Notes

The purpose of this act is to encourage public participation in the acquisition, care, protection and the restoration of wilderness regions, including endangered and threatened species, as well as to encourage the long-term continuity of voluntary participation and the survival of those dedicated efforts and their participants in perpetuity.


Dedicated wilderness or native habitat shall not revert to commercial, speculative or personal uses, or any use that causes damages to the geology, plant or animal species.

The creators, participants, builders, contractors, visitors or any other party is not allowed to clear, damage, bulldoze, grade, or in any way harm native or wilderness habitat in any area, nor to control weeds or vegetation growth in any region through the use of disking, bulldozing or excavation, while utilizing mowing for the removal of ecological risks due to invasive, non-native plants. Any damages caused to (non-invasive) plants, geology or structures shall require the full and complete restoration of all damages incurred by the party causing the damages, or through the personal labor or insurance of the conservancy, or through replacement with equivalent undamaged habitat of at least an equivalent area and of at least equivalent value. In an open area where a structure may be allowed any form of impact shall be the minimum possible, without causing excavation to the earth for a foundation or floor. Damages caused by a conservancy shall require that full restoration will be secured by the property of the conservancy. Conservancy participants should be aware that the restoration of habitat may cost many time the purchase price of land.

Facilities, structures, paved roads, care-taking facilities or camping areas may affect not more than 5 percent of any conservancy. The lands of a conservancy need not be contiguous, however the value of the wilderness portion shall not be less than 20 times the unrestricted commercial value of the land of the facility areas. There are no restrictions regarding size or region; however the benefits to nature will typically be far greater in peripheral areas where costs are far lower and threats to destruction are imminent; and where over 1,000 or 10,000 acres can be acquired for the price of 1 urban acre and where many critically threatened species face extermination; and where such cost to benefit investments can provide far more significant benefits for threatened species, as well as potentially greater satisfaction for those who participate in such a constructive and protective endeavor, while encouraging protective work in the areas of greatest destruction, where consideration is least likely to be offered. Without affecting any wilderness habitat, any area designated for facilities may be changed to reduce impacts and improve usability, without exceeding the established area or value.

Any structures built on an open and designated facility area shall provide the minimum impact to the land for the use offered, and shall be designed to reflect characteristics of the surrounding natural landscape, with minimal or no damages to habitat, soils, geology or water-table and without any reduction in the total vegetation, by utilizing piers in place of foundations, vertical multi-level structures in place of horizontal with mass decreasing with height. Clearing or damage to established native plants around structures is prohibited by conservancy participants, outside contractors, government employees or any other person or entity. Structures shall be designed to provide adequate security to address any regional hazards including wind, flood, fire and earthquakes, and not clear, destroy or impact the natural environment to achieve any purpose, or be fully liable for the complete cost of restoring all terrain, plant and animal species affected over a period of not less than 3 decades of work to resolve the restoration process, which shall be fully secured by the assets, property and resources of the individuals, community and the entity causing and enacting the impact.

The purposes of this act as implemented at any site shall not be impeded or interfered with by other regulatory agencies or jurisdictions, in any manner, directly or indirectly. No government agency may cause or require that any form of damages to habitat or structures be initiated by any other party including the conservancy for any presumed purpose including security or safety; and if damages are caused intentionally or inadvertently at the request or direction of any governmental entity, then that entity shall reimburse the conservancy for not less than 10 times the cost of the damages caused and the personal time expended to resolve the issues and damages at an hourly rate not less than billed by trial attorneys, and be fully responsible for the complete restoration of all habitat and structures affected. The non-habitat areas of an ecological community do not have a dwelling or population density limitation, to the extent that it can provide for its self-sustainability and not damage any dedicated wilderness region, nor shall external density regulations be applicable or provide for any form of interference. Any person, business or government agency interfering with the fulfillment of the purposes of a conservancy shall be liable for all expenses caused to the conservancy and its participants including expenditures of personal time at an hourly rate which is not less than a competent trial attorney for the total number of hours as documented by the conservancy participants.

All participating reserves shall be recognized as entities exempt of property, income or other form of taxation without any annual or reoccurring requirement to provide forms, fees or applications to maintain their status; and any supportive donations provided shall also be exempt of taxation without restriction or limitation.

The reserve shall be referred to as named by its creator and working participants; and the entity along with its participants shall retain all individual legal rights that have been established. Creation of a reserve to enact these purposes begins with the recording of a deed, which copies and states that the conditions are enacted in perpetuity and provides a map which identifies the proposes or existing regions and the assignments of purpose, including: wilderness, old growth forest or native habitat, trail, private road, parking, public highway, caretaker facilities, nursery, propagation facility, laboratory, shop, storage, office, camping area, greenhouse, orchard, botanical garden, and so on as need and the total area of coverage for wilderness and other facility areas; as well as the latitude and longitude coordinates of the corners of each site and parcel.

A web site may be established to provide recent and dated high-resolution color photograph(s) of the site(s) which shows each tree and individual shrubs, and which identifies the property boundaries, elevations, habitat and facility regions outlined and superimposed on the photograph; as well as oblique aerial views of the three-dimensional landscape. Prior images may be maintained at the web site and updated each 10 years and whenever any significant change occurs to the site. The actual habitat or web site need not be provided for any form of regular public access or aerial monitoring where there may be any risk associated with such access or the provision of information, and is provided only to assist with habitat protection, the monitoring of restoration efforts and viability of plants, as information is available and provided by the conservancy.

Where land has been previously damaged or cleared by a prior owner, the natural elevations and top-soils are first reestablished and once the typical density and distribution of local native species from the same drainage basin are established and can survive for a full year without irrigation or support then the conservancy may apply for permanent habitat status. Erosion due to use, access, lack of vegetation or water flow shall be stopped whenever physically possible through native plant and tree coverage or low impact structural measures. If the site manager is absent, unable or uninterested in restoring damages, ending erosion, protecting the site or reimbursing other essential maintenance expenses, then low-impact and beneficial restoration efforts may be provided through the assistance of other persons or entities in a cost effective manner with all materials, labor and collection cost being owed to the assisting party; without diminishing the value of the provided assistance over time; with the full value of the assistance being secured through the value of the land. There is no expectation of any individual to exceed their resources and personal labor; a long-term and considerate effort based on available resources, personal labor and the application of effective knowledge is typically sufficient.

Non-native food bearing plants that may survive unattended or with minimal support may be incorporated into the restoration of land damaged by a prior owner, to benefit wildlife species and participants or the conservancy, without encroaching on indigenous plants or trees, and may occupy up to 5 percent of the area of a conservancy. Land previously utilized as a farm or orchard may convert to sustainable, no-till, nontoxic practices without the use of herbicides or pesticides, within a decade and to convert any unfarmed portions of the site to an indigenous native plant habitat with financial securing of the full conversion to wilderness habitat upon completion of farming; while continuing to maintain no more than 5% of a site for non-habitat or non-agricultural purposes. All income after expenses, derived from the facility or work areas shall be used for wilderness restoration and protection of habitat and threatened species, scientific research, medical support for the continuity and improvement of participants, as well as nonprofit purposes; and not be used for the profit of any individual, nor provide for waste, needless or excessive consumption. A facility area may provide for any otherwise allowable uses, including benefits for the community, fund raising, support for the conservancy and support for the needs, long-term health and continuity of the participants; without causing damages to wilderness regions, threatened or endangered species, while providing continued benefits for the process of restoration and the expansion of wilderness regions; until the earth can continue to support the life and evolution of nature and humanity.

Any issues affecting the operation of a conservancy shall allow for an open process of review, analysis and decision, based on consensus, where any considerate, knowledgeable and interested party may raise an issue or objection of consequence that needs to be fully addressed and resolved unanimously; without conflicting with the conditions contained herein or specific conservation conditions of the reserve. Conservancy management needs to be based on people experienced and knowledgeable with habitat and species restoration, related research, facilities and support issues, or develop assistance as needed to accommodate any required projects. There are no restrictions or prohibitions against family participation, assignment or continuity in the participation, management or stewardship of a conservancy; only a responsibility to provide for the continuity of experienced and capable management or participation. Secure long-term growth, ecological conservation and species restoration is far more important than expediency, rapid change supported by unsustainable debt or an illusion of restoration. No participant who is providing considerable and beneficial efforts is required to exceed their capabilities, only to prioritize and accommodate critically important tasks to prevent damages and provide for long-term restoration efforts and continuity.

The conservancy or any participant may choose the process to resolve any dispute based on mediation and arbitration and choose the qualifications and selection of the mediator and arbitrator, without utilizing attorneys, and prohibit litigation as a means of resolving any conflict.

Any income derived by the conservancy from fees, contributions, events, sale or transfer of habitat, or any other means shall be dedicated to the conservancy's growth and continuation, debt reimbursement, labor, insurance, operating and medical expenses; the care, protection and restoration of threatened species, and any supporting nonprofit purpose and not revert to any form of profit, waste or excess consumption.

The benefits created as a result of protecting, caring for and restoring wilderness habitats should exceed acquisition costs on a long-term basis including providing for technical support, labor and biological research; or savings dedicated for habitat acquisition purposes, protective barriers, local native plant propagation costs, irrigation, fertilization, association and educational expenses, communication and office expenses, tools, equipment, insurance, health and medical costs for working participants. It is important to create significant benefits that support ecological and long-term biological benefits that can measurably improve the acquisition and restoration of wilderness habitats, support beneficial scientific research that assists the survival of species and the continuity of beneficial traits, assists with the restoration process, reduces population pressures, encroachment, destructive impacts against nature, violence, genocidal events, improve care and survivability for all species, through personal efforts, community projects, documentation of knowledge and educational media projects. Efficiency and effectiveness is both encouraged and essential to support beneficial results of conservancy projects which are supported by an annually updated web listing of significant projects occurring at each conservancy, as well as its informational and resource needs which may be addressed through other conservancies or individuals who may have resolved similar issues, as well as listing prior accomplishments and approximate expenditures for habitat acquisition, maintenance, insurance, legal expenses, research and medical expenses, education, plant propagation and restoration costs, sustainable water collection and feed production efforts donated or expended by the conservancy. Where an organization may have adequate resources with limited capabilities than assistance may be pursued to effectively implement its wilderness care and acquisition purposes, as well as its technical and scientific needs to accommodate all of its supportive objectives. No party is entitled to any benefits of a conservancy who does not significantly and proportionally contribute to the protection, research, restoration and the maintenance of the conservancy and its purposes; or who in any way impedes, interferes with, causes damages, labor or expense for any conservancy.

The dedication of land for wilderness and ecological community purposes is permanent in nature, and if any party should be able to pursue the dismantling of a preserve then those individuals or entities shall be liable for all back-taxes not required by all parties plus the entire cost of the conservancy including all voluntary labor over its entire history with interest at not less than 1 percent per month from its inception; all to be dedicated to wilderness and related nonprofit purposes; plus the cost of acquiring an equivalent valued and sized conservancy or larger, and the legal expenses of every other party including their personal expenses and time which shall not be evaluated as less valuable per hour than a that of a competent and productive trial attorney. Further insurance at a fair rate shall be available to protect against reversion and to provide for the full protection of the restoration cost and the buyers selectable value of a habitat along with an optional list of damage categories based on regional statistics and without inflating profit margins above the most common forms of insurance. Prior to any transfer of a parcel, any participants or secondarily any other party that can demonstrate their long-term commitment to protect and restore the wilderness portion and provide for the continuity of indigenous species as well as necessary and dedicated participants, shall be provided prior options to maintain and acquire the habitat and related facilities with a sufficiently long-term negotiation and payment schedule to accommodate acquisition and not exceed the sustainable economic value of the dedicated purposes, habitat and resources.


Legal or judicial procedures or costs shall not be used to deny any party's access to justice, including a fair and competant review of all pertaining issues, mediation and as required alternative dispute resolution based on the issues of the case, exclusively assisted with proven personal experience and competence in the subjects and issues being reviewed, with the purpose of resolving and addressing similar future conflicts, based on provable facts not unsubstantiated accusitations, all without inflicting harm or damages to habitat, species or participants.

The confiscation or taking of resources, wilderness, property, money, labor or time, regardless of kind, of any conservancy or nonprofit entity, or the dedicated contributions of its participants, by any individual, entity, government agency or body, is illegal, damaging and deemed a theft, and shall require the immediate and full repayment of all damages, takings, property and resources diminished at the full and complete value plus all related labor, legal and collection expenses; and all at ten times the total costs and losses incurred, plus interest at not less than twelve percent per year compounded, above the rate of inflation, all of which is accumulated for each month that the balance is owed by the damaging or taking party(s); without any form of dismissal or bankruptcy being allowed by any judicial, legislative, government, individual or corporate entity and without any form of dismissal allowed to evade any portion of the full reimbursement plus accumulated interest, all without any statute of limitations being applicable nor any notification required to sustain the collection or recovery process, for such a taking, appropriation or damages including the addition of all costs or losses related to any form of evasive actions or legal procedures pursued by any damaging or appropriating party, entity, or government body; with all related damages and losses requiring full and complete reimbursement or at the option of the damaged entity requiring the transfer of equivalent resources or property of the damaging party(s) sufficient to satisfy full reimbursement. Any resources, wilderness or property neglected or abandoned for five or more years may be maintained and managed by other long-term participants in accordance with all conservation and nonprofit purposes in perpetuity.

The intention and purpose as described herein is to provide attention, protection and assistance for nature, its caretakers and humanity; without subjugating anyone to disparity, damage or degradation; whether through repeatedly used deceptions such as by claiming positive intentions while in fact specifically implementing self-centered monetary objectives; or alternatively by implementing threats of abuse and violence; or through false accusations and economic assaults based on the force of law. Obviously no such assaults or deceptions need to be perpetuated, particularly when understanding and intentions can be directed to prohibit such behavior and damages on a permanent basis. Laws or intentions, which are designed to inflict damages, are clearly in themselves blatantly abusive, violent and inherently illegal, in spite of the fact that those same judicial procedures ignore and encourage damaging and abusive behavior; and are perpetuated by law and government entities. Consequently are widely understood as demonstrably criminal, socially destructive, and a massive and reoccurring threat to life and survival; that ends when recognition and response occur. Naturally most believe that deception and abuse are weapons that they must use for their personal success, and consequently will see no benefit in caring for nature or anyone else, no matter how considerate they may claim to be. So a personal history predominantly occupied with the long-term care of nature and humanity may be a more instructive guide than anyone’s words or intentions. Obviously in a world riddled with problems a helpful person is not common, and is no doubt fully occupied with overwhelming life supportive tasks, as well as with little to no time to solicit assistance.

No person, company, organization or government entity may accuse, threaten, require financial or any other kind of payment or debt, create legal action against, assess, tax or confiscate any asset, property, resource, time, materials or labor, for any thing, property, facility, resource, labor or service which any person or entity had not directly utilized, nor exceed the value of any portion utilized, nor ignore any other substantial and equivalent contribution, restitution, value or payment. No person or entity is allowed or encouraged to commit crime or cause damages, nor compel another to pay for the damages, any related insurance, personal losses or expenses. Each party is required to pay for the damages that they cause or inflict against property, persons or nature; and the damages inflicted shall not be reduced or eliminated as a result of time, punishment, legal action or any lack of action. Any form of punishment inflicted against any person or entity is prohibited, while full restitution plus all related costs and personal labor, including collection expenses, detection and insurance costs are owed and require full payment by the perpetrator, who may be denied future access to areas, regions or persons if there is a potential for future damages; for a period of five, ten or twenty years or permanently depending on the persons or entity bearing the damages or loss. Any person, organization or government entity who creates false or malicious charges shall be required to pay in full with interest compounded at not less than one-percent per month above the rate of inflation for all time, all losses, fees, travel, research and any other expenses as itemized by the accused at the highest hourly rate that they may have obtained during the period of the accusations, but not less than the hourly rate paid for competent specialized attorney services. If accusations are provided falsely then all persons participating in the accusations, punishment or legal process shall automatically and without a trial each receive not less than the same penalties, financial and personal burdens, and punishment without delay, commencing within one day, without exclusion for government employees, entities, prosecutors or accusers; and each shall be fully liable for all damages and losses incurred by the accused.

Life restitution
Any act which results in the deprivation of another person’s life, excluding accidents, self-defense or inherit issues of health, shall require the full restitution of all losses caused to the victims by the perpetrators and any party or entity encouraging or benefiting from the acts; by providing for assistance to anyone effectively acting in behalf of the victims, their family or community; who shall provide for the continuity or survival of their beneficial capabilities and life potentials; including all related medical expenses, laboratory procedures, at home assistance, education, support, advanced restoration techniques and related research.

Restitution shall include support for the development of techniques needed to restore the life of individuals or groups violently harmed, murdered, damaged, degraded or denied the continuity of life by any means, whether implemented through violence, propaganda, genocide, disease, pollution, deception or coercion, including government participation of any nature; in order to establish or maintain control, create economic benefits, subservience or instigate life terminating consequences that degrade the future survival or potential of any people, or by selectively eradicating beneficial qualities of individuals of a population, by requesting or requiring support for any detrimental population replacement program or for the repopulation of any region, to establish control, to create economic advantage or maintain subservience; based on evidence of the actions taken, regardless of the claimed intentions used to justify any actions. The demographic results, including a degradation of health, increases in disease, the reduction of a population’s abilities and capabilities, or overpopulation that stresses the sustainability of any region, wilderness degradation or eradication, the increase of violence or oppression, reductions in diversity and beneficial qualities of life and increased government dependencies shall each over many decades demonstrate life degrading results, losses of endangered species, as well as life terminating impacts on a very large scale that have diminished humanity and require restitution.


No person, organization or government entity may use force, pursue litigation, create charges, accusations, invade, confiscate resources, demand labor, financial or material resources of any kind or amount, from or against any person, property or entity who has caused no material or physical damages, nor forcibly taken, consumed or withheld any resources, labor or time without full and complete reimbursement and restoration of all damages or losses incurred by any person, natural entity or organization.

Wilderness Reserve Notes

March 18, 2005 © wrn, e-m@mail.com, updated: Sunday, November 6, 2005 11:47 PM